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Cobbles & Pavers

A varied stock of reclaimed cobbles, setts, pavers and quarry tiles

Cobbles, Pavers, Setts & Quarry Tiles

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Clay Paving Blocks

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Lias Cobbles

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Six Inch Quarry Tiles

Concrete Pavers Main Image | Cobbles and Pavers

Concrete Pavers

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Floor Tiles – 15m² Batch

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Sandstone Cobbles

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Cross Hatch Pavers

9 inch quarry tiles 2 | Cobbles and Pavers

Nine Inch Quarry Tiles

1 22 | Cobbles and Pavers

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Cotswold Cobbles

granite cobbles main image | Cobbles and Pavers

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Granite Cobbles

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Granite Cobbles

Malting Tiles Main Image 1 | Cobbles and Pavers

Malting Tiles

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Buff Paving Bricks

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Chocolate Block Pavers

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Stable Blocks

1 65 | Cobbles and Pavers

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Minton Tiles